Saturday, February 7, 2009


When the joy of bicycling hits a certain level, riding can easily turn into training. Training is multi-faceted


  • REST

Everyone can put in millions of miles. Sprinting for the city limits and doing endless hill repeats. This aerobic base is an important part of becoming stronger. Getting a base into the legs will allow a rider to give burts of effort in intense situations and still maintain a solid overall pace. Yet all the group rides and solo battles against the wind will count for nothing if the other two aspects of training are neglected.

Rest is not as easy as it sounds. I once read an advice column in Bicycling Magazine that said "Sit when you don't have to stand, lay down and stretch when you aren't forced to sit." This couldn't be more true. When you can take it easy, you should. A nightly 8 hours is essential. More is better. Rest is often overlooked because of busy schedules. Sleep is our body's way to replenish, refresh and of course, build that all important muscle.

Nutrition goes hand in hand with rest. We must have enough calories for the rides themselves. Before and after, the proper antioxidants, complex carbs and protein account for all that we are. Fruits and vegetables cannot be stressed enough. Natural energy boosters. Also nuts, berries and beans are extemely helpful to build muscle and for recovery purposes.

Nobody (except Armstrong) has a big enough food budget to get everything needed from the grocery store. Here at the bike shop we've got all sorts of supplements for muscle building and recovery. Gels, bars, and mixes for your bottles. Come in and check out our selection.

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