Wednesday, November 26, 2008


1. Great Scenery: See your neighborhood from a whole new perspective; get outta the gym.

2. Your Health: Lower stress, burn calories, lower risks of heart disease, diabetes, etc...

3. Be Social: Ride with a couple buddies, a local club, an event training group or your family.

4. Get the kids moving: Riding is a great way to get the kids exercising and out of the house.

5. Never Boring: Cycling is never monotonous. Different routes, different bikes, different days.

6. Save $$: Commuting to work a few times a week or the store sometimes, means big savings.

7. Green Entertainment: Got your bike? Now ride for free while supporting a green lifestyle.

8. Spin a dream vacation: Hundreds of companies cater to cyclists, both domestic & abroad.

9. Enjoy the outdoors: Our lives at home, school or work are all indoors. Be outside for once!

10. People smile at you: On a bike others tend to smile and wave. Smile back and laugh.

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