Sunday, November 23, 2008


In professional cycling crashing is more than common; it's simply part of the work day. Nobody likes to go down, but when it does happen the important thing is to relax the body. Many crashes are due to drafting to closely. A touch of wheels happens, but an immediate reaction with a cool head can be crucial to keep the rubber side down.

When riding with buddies or a local club always be on the safe side. Cautious, steady, controlled movements will dispell many possible road rash scenarios.

Here are a few safety tips while group riding:

If you're new to riding in a pace line make sure to leave 12-18 inches between your front wheel and the rider ahead of you. As you become more comfortable slowly decrease this distance, but never less than 3 inches.

Ride defensively. Keep your hands on the brake hoods with a couple fingers on the brakes.

Communicate! Ever hear the saying "Better safe than sorry" ? If you are vocal about your position (Ex: "On your right" "Coming up on the left") others will be appreciative not annoyed.

Depending on the number of riders the rotation may change patterns. Racers tend to peel to the right, while many club riders peel off to the left. Be cautious at first and watch group regulars. If there is a double pace line ride steadily and be constantly aware of others.

For more information on safety and tips for riding better swing by the shop. We offer a CD-ROM filled with 66 tips to safer, better riding.

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